Hand picked quotes

Without a vision, the people perish.
Without the people, the vision perishes.
The church builders nightmare
To be content with little is hard, to be content with much impossible.
Baroness Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

There is an old saying that the deacon is worse than the devil, for if you resist the devil he will fly from you, but if you resist the deacon he will fly at you.
G.H. Lang

Is Christianity solely a comforter of the disturbed, or should it also be a disturber of the comfortable?

Nothing is so apt to mask the face of God as religion.
Harry Williams

All the evils of the world stem from our taking ourselves to be the creator. In a strange role reversal, men often then serve the creature rather than the Creator.
Jacques Ellul and St Paul

It is predictable that today’s youth culture will not last forever. It’s an old insight that the prevailing culture is made by the fastest-growing population group. That will not be young people.
Peter Drucker

Some think the Bible is a book of answers to our questions. Others think it is a book of questions God asks us. 
Jacques Ellul

The Eastern church has understood better than the Western that the fastest way to reach the emotions is through smell.
Leonard Sweet: Soul Tsunami

The wallet is the tenderest nerve in the human body
My father

We are here to remove a primary weapon from the hands of disputant religions. That weapon – the claim to possession of the one and only revelation.
Frank Herbert – Dune.

The God who science recognises must be a God of universal laws exclusively, a God who does a wholesale, not a retail business. He cannot accommodate his processes to the convenience of individuals. 
William James, The varieties of religious experience

The pursuit of power with the capacity and the desire to exercise it worthily is among the noblest of human occupations. But Power is a goddess who admits no rival in her loves. 
Winston Churchill: The Duke of Marlborough

Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lord Acton

He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage.
Ten year old on Bible bloopers, answering a question about St Paul.

The Seventh Commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery. 
Another one

And you think God doesn’t exist? Try finding a plumber on weekends.
Woody Allen

Generation X reached adulthood in the absence of a theme, and even with a theme of absence.
Tom Beaudoin: Virtual Faith

On Gen X: It’s most fundamental question is “Will you be there for me?” This is different from the primary baby boomer question: “What is the meaning of life, my life?”
Tom Beaudoin: Virtual Faith

..anti-Catholicism is the last respectable prejudice. You can’t hate black people anymore.. or homosexuals, but you can hate all the Catholics you want.  
Tom Clancy 

A philosopher is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn’t there. But the theologian always finds the cat.